LEC Betting Odds – Week 3 of 2019 Spring Split

Posted on January 30, 2019

The 2019 LEC Spring Splits resumes on February 1! Tensions are at an all-time high, as European League of Legends teams keep clashing with each other to determine who deserves to stand at the top of their region. Things can get hectic in these full-blown battles, so we’re highlighting the most lucrative LEC betting odds to help you identify the best gambling options for week 3 of the competition!

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LEC Betting Odds – Day 1

FC Schalke 04 vs Splyce

For our first LEC betting odds breakdown, we look at the FC Schalke 04 vs Splyce matchup. Schalke are going strong. Upset and IgNar are downright oppressive as a duo, as they have the perfect combination of aggression and mechanical prowess to outmuscle enemy bot lanes. Their dominance is reinforced by explosive ganks from Memento, who takes every opportunity he can get to set up his teammates for success.

Individual skill is far from the only thing Schalke have to offer. This is one of the best teamfighting lineups in the league, and you can count on FC Schalke 04 to know exactly what and when they need to do to swing the tide of a 5v5 in their favor. If that wasn’t enough, Schalke have a solid understanding of the macro game, so their foes will have a hard time contesting their vision and keeping up with their rotations.


If you still think of Splyce as that team that’s only good in the late game, think again. Splyce made a conscious effort to rebuild their drafts and put a stronger focus on laning and early aggression, and—surprisingly enough—it paid off. Xerxe made full use of this change in direction by ramping up his jungle pressure in the side lanes. Kobbe and Norskeren are also doing well for themselves in the bot lane, as they slowly grind down their enemies with measured trades and calculated all-ins.

On top of that, Splyce are adept at the strategic part of the game. Their map movement is on point, and it’s common to see them outmaneuvering their opponents and taking free objectives from right under their nose. And it’s this mixture of brains and brawn that makes Splyce so scary to face on the Rift.

BETTING ADVICE: Schalke and Splyce mirror each other’s strengths. Both teams like to play around their bot lanes, both have a good grasp of the macro game, and both don’t shy away from challenging their foes in teamfights. Still, Schalke are ever so slightly better than their opponents in all of the above-mentioned aspects of the game. You can bet on FC Schalke 04 winning their match against Splyce for LEC betting odds of 1.82 at Rivalry.

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LEC Betting Odds – Day 2

SK Gaming vs Origen

The second—and final—game in our LEC betting odds overview is the SK Gaming vs Origen matchup. SK might not have the best scoreline, but they do have a lot of promise. Their individual talent is impressive, and they can challenge even the strongest LEC teams in the early game. Pirean and Crownshot are surprisingly potent as carries, and you can always count on them to perform in lane and outside of it. Combine that with an aggressive top laner in Werlyb, and SK have a solid 3-man core to play around.

Still, they wouldn’t be nearly as dominant without Selfmade. He is exceptional at finding windows to snowball his laners and break open teamfights, and his playmaking is a vital part of SK Gaming’s strategies.

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Origen are in a rough spot. Everyone on their roster is performing worse than expected, making it difficult to choose which laners to play around. The worst offenders are in the top lane and jungle positions. Alphari went from being one of the most promising European top laners to someone who struggles to hold his own in the laning phase. As for Kold, he can pull through with a gank or two in the early game, but he quickly throws these leads away with some very hectic teamfighting.

Origen also suffer from a noticeable lack of direction. Their game plans revolve around drafting scaling comps and praying to god that their enemies won’t crush them in the early game. And considering they’re going against an aggressive team like SK Gaming, this approach is almost guaranteed to blow up in their face.

BETTING ADVICE: You can bet on SK Gaming winning their match against Origen for LEC betting odds of 1.85 at Betway.

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Kieran L.

Kieran is a gaming & esports betting enthusiast, and one of our top contributors based in Australia. He mainly follows the LoL esports scene, focusing on North America, LEC and LCK. Follow Kieran's updates, exclusive stories and bookmaker reviews.

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